Easy ways to get more traffic.

We all need traffic to our blogs and websites, quality traffic. So now I am going to explain the easy ways to get more traffic. Some of the strategies regarding ways to get more traffic are free and for some of them you have to pay a little money.

I have also recorded a video about this topic that you can check out below.


Backlinks good backlinks, are very important to have when it comes to search engine optimization and ways to get more traffic. There are free ways to getting those backlinks but to get more results you also need to invest in paid backlinks.

One of the websites you can benefit linking to for free is Wikipedia. This is an authority website. You just need to go to google and put in your keywords tyhat you are using for your content an then you put”wiki” after those keywords. Thern you link to the article on Wikippedia for those keywords. When you link to other sites and blogs regarding your keywords there are some things to consider. If the site you are linking to is a competitor with ads for instance then you might want to set up your backlink as a nofollow backlink. That way you will not benefit the owners of the site you are linking to, but you still will benefit from that backlink.

Ways to get more traffic

Freelancer And Fiverr

At freelancer.com you can find sellers/freelancers offering different services. and here you can buy quality backlinks. It is free to create an account at freelancer.com.

Resarch the different freelancers and offers to find a good one so that you can get that quality backlink. At Fiverr you can also buy backlinks and many other services regarding marketing.


Another powerful platform to benefit from is Quora. You can sign up for free at this site. By being consistent onj this site you will generate free traffic. You will generate this traffic by asking and answering different questions. Make sure to fill out your profile properly because there you can put in a link to a capture page. This means that you can build your list for free this way. But again, you need to be really concistent. This of course goes for any type of marketing that you are doing. But do not spam links when you answering questions, you can sometimes write something to motivate people to visit your profile. But not to often. Yahoo answers is anoother place where you can use this approach as well.

Facebook groups

Facebook groups is actually a very useful resource when it comes to generating a lot of free traffic. Choose groups that has many members and where members are active. Do not engage with every post there in these groups, instead help people and answer thgeir questions about things they are struggling with. Give them a solution to their problems by sharing a product that you are promoting.

Google My Business

Google my business is a powerful resource to help you get noticed online. These profiles often ranks very well in the search results.

Ways to get more traffic


By concistently sharing value in videos on Youtube you can potentially generate a lot of free traffic. It may seem time consuming but you can always have otheres do the videos for you, by for instance buy these services on Fiverr.

By the way, here is the offer that I mentioned in the video.


We all need traffic to our websites and blogs, because traffic is like gasoline to our businesses. Without it our business will die. I hope you like the examples I gave here about ways to get more traffic. Have you used any of theese traffic methods? Or are you considering to start using some of the methods? Feel free to leave your comments below. Thanks for reading.

Cheers, Tommy Olsson.

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