How to get traffic to a blog for free.

We all need traffic to our blogs otherwise it really would not be any point in blogging.

There are paid traffic and there is free traffic to benefit from, well in this blog post about how to get traffic to a blog, I will share free traffic strategies with you. I will also share other things when it comes to blogging.

Check out the video below to learn more.

Search engine optimization

When you first starting out blogging it is very important that you educate yourself about Seo, otherwise you will be blogging for nothing. Because you need to learn Seo so that you can let the search engines know what your content is about, so that they can rank it for you. And also so that your readers and potential costumers can find your content Because you need to search engine optimize all of your content. .

How to get traffic to a blog

Writing the blog post

When writing your blog posts make sure to not make so much about you. Instead try to see things from your readers point of view. Make them about how they can accomplish different things for instance. They will like that more then if you only are writing about yourself and your own point of view, even if you should be able to share that as well of course.

If you are not sure about how to structure your blog posts then you can visit successful bloggers blogs to see how they are writing titles sub titles and so on. But of course, never copy their content.


Quora is a well known website that you can generate a lot of free traffic from. Qura is a website where people asks and answers a lot of question from other users daily. But ypou should not focus on answering every question, only the questions that involves your niche. For instance marketing and making money online. BBut you need to be concistent and answer questions on a daily basis. Make sure to leave good answers and not short answers. If you feel that you can not give a really good answer to a question then Google it, then put it into your own words. Then write plenty of blog content about the answers you have given to different questions.

Make sure to set up your profile properly. Write a interesting description on what you can help other people with. Put in a link to a capture page so that you ccan build your list for free this way.

How to get traffic to a blog


Pinterest can be a valuable tool for bloggers for a variety of reasons, including increased traffic, visual appeal, and a longer lifespan of pins compared to other social media platforms. Reaching and Discerning Audiences Pinterest’s search engine function allows bloggers to optimize their pins to appear in search results, reaching a wider audience. Targeted Audience: By creating content that aligns with popular search terms and categories on Pinterest, bloggers can reach a more specific audience.

Brand Building

Authority Bloggers can establish a strong visual brand on Pinterest by consistently using

specific colors, fonts, and imagery. Social Proof: Pins with high engagement (likes, comments, repins) can act as social proof, showcasing the popularity and value of the blogger’s content. 5. Monetization Opportunities Affiliate Marketing: Bloggers can use Pinterest to promote affiliate products, linking directly to blog posts or landing pages that feature the affiliate products.
Sponsored Pins: As bloggers’ Pinterest presence grows, they can collaborate with brands to create sponsored pins, which provide an additional income stream.

Analytics and Insights

  • Pinterest Analytics: Pinterest provides detailed analytics on pin performance, audience behavior, and demographics. Bloggers can use these insights to refine their content strategy, focusing on what resonates most with their audience.

Content Repurposing

  • Maximizing Blog Content: Bloggers can repurpose their blog posts into multiple pins, each highlighting different aspects of the content. This increases the chances of their content being discovered and shared.

Community Building

  • Engagement and Interaction: Pinterest allows bloggers to engage with their audience through comments and direct messages, fostering a sense of community and loyalty among their followers.


So there you have it, this was my best tips on how to get free traffic to your blog. There might be other free strategies to use but these was the strategies that I wanted to share with you now. Do you have any thoughts on this blog post? Feel free to comment below.

Cheers, Tommy Olsson.

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4 top ways to get free traffic to your website - · September 10, 2024 at 5:45 pm

[…] 4 websites or platforms that you can use to potentially generate a lot of free traffic to your website or […]

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